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Know more about Sexuality Education (1)

Code: SE01

  • Topic Sexuality Education
  • AuthorEducation Division
  • LanguageN/A
  • TargetsN/A
  • Category Classroom and quiz
  • PublisherN/A

What is Sex?

Sex, in a Narrow Sense, merely focuses on Physical Level, such as:

  • Sexual Desire
  • Reproductive system of both sexes
  • Physical changes during growth
  • Personal Hygiene
  • The Beginning of life
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Pregnancy and giving birth 
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Family planning

While sex in a broader sense includes Physical level, Psychological level as well as Social level:

1. Psychological level: gender identities, personal psychological development, how to manage affections toward the same or opposite sex, understanding love and marriage, and decision making, etc

2. Social level: communication within the family and in the society, moral and values toward sexuality , gender roles in the society.

The Aim of Sexuality Education 

  1. To teach beyond the physical level of physical or biological facts, and emphasize it's importance as an integral part of our life and our personality.
  2. To provide people comprehensive and accurate sexual knowledge, help them understand and positively handle the changes of physical and psychological development, and to gain personal fulfillment, self-acceptance and well-being.
  3. To teach people how to get along with other people, respect and take care of each other.
  4. To establish an open attitude towards different values concerning sexual matters. To learn to be responsible towards sex, and not to hurt others. To reduce potential social problems related to sex.
  5. To help understand different social phenomena and views concerning sexuality. And by doing so, help them learn how to be analytical and establish personal values that suit themselves the best. 

The Importance of Sexuality Education

  1. Human sexuality is very natural: sexuality education should be learned throughout the life. There are different sexual needs when reaching different phases of life. Proper sexuality education avoids people from consequences due to insufficient or incorrect sexual knowledge.
  2. Social factors: Sexuality education provides guidance for establishing personal values and attitudes when one is confused by conflicting traditional and new values concerning sexual matters.
  3. The rapid development of mass media: Sexuality education helps individual establish one's analytical ability to deal with the huge amount of sexual messages from the mass media.