28 Nov 2024 - FPA Yuen Long Building will carry out ground investigation works from December 2, 2024 (Monday) which may cause noise, services will remain normal during the works.
14 Nov 2024 - The Association is NOT the service provider of FREE HPV Vaccination Catch-up Programme launched by The Department of Health for eligible female Hong Kong residents born between 2004 and 2008.
22 Mar 2023 - Suspension of "Men’s Health Service"
4 Mar 2023 - Infection Control Measures in our Service Units and Important Notes for Service Users
The Association is dedicated to promoting sexuality education by organizing different talks and activities to raise public awareness of sexual and reproductive health, including:
Sex Life Talk
The sex life talk equips participants with the basic knowledge of sexual life, including the male and female reproductive systems, common sexual problems, sexual intercourse and positions, elements of maintaining a harmonious sexual life, and common sexual difficulties.
Sex Coaching
Our education officers (certified sex therapists) offer consultation for couples to provide guidance and advice related to skills and knowledge on overcoming sexual problems and individual needs. It aims to help couples establish a harmonious sexual relationship and enhance the quality of sexual life.
Public Health talk
The Association organizes public health talks on irregular basis to provide public with information related to sexual and reproductive health.
Roving Exhibition
We aim to raise public awareness of sexuality education by organizing roving exhibition, which comprises mini-talks, panel displays, video showings, free resources, game booths and sexuality education consultation. The public is welcome to visit our mobile classroom to learn about the Associations’ sexuality education resources.
We also actively participate in public events to promote sexuality education:
Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival
Since 2006, the Association has been co-organizing the Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival to raise public awareness of sex culture and understanding of a broad range of sexuality issues, and to promote the development of sexuality education in Hong Kong and neighboring regions.
The themes of Sex Cultural Festivals in previous years:
- The 8th Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival 2017: “Sexuality and Sports”
- The 7th Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival 2015: “Sex and Fashion”
- The 6th Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival 2013: “Sex in the City”
- The 5th Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival 2012: “Sexuality Untied: Spatial, Social & Relational”
- The 4th Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival 2011: “Seeing Sexuality in Live Art”
- The Hong Kong-Macau Sex Cultural Festival 2008
- The Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival 2007
- The First Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival 2006
Sexuality Education Conference/ Seminar
Scholars and sex educators are invited to share the current situation, experience and strategies of promoting sexuality education in forms of panel presentations, forums and workshops for advocating the development of sexual and reproductive health.
The Association has organized or participated in the following conferences and seminars in recent years:
- The 4th Cross-Strait Hong Kong & Macau Conference on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health 2015, 2016
- The 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health 2013
- The 2nd Cross-Strait Conference on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health 2011
- The 4th Asian Conference on Sexuality Education (ACSE) 2010
World AIDS Day Campaign
To mark the World AIDS Day, the Association and Red Ribbon Centre of the Department of Health co-organized the World AIDS Campaign in 2014 and 2016, which included a kick-off ceremony with elements for education and promotion, and the Life-Skills Based Education (LSBE) Programme on HIV/AIDS and Sex for secondary school students to help them develop life skills related to sexual health and HIV/AIDS prevention.
- “On the Fast Track to End AIDS” World AIDS Campaign 2016
- “Getting to Zero” World AIDS Campaign 2014
Hong Kong Book Fair, International Baby& Children Products Expo
The Association has joined the Hong Kong Book Fair and International Baby & Children Products Expo since 2003 and 2004 respectively. We set up resources’ booths to promote sexuality education publications and teaching materials, and provide sexuality education consultation service for the public.
Study Tour
Agencies and sex educators are welcome to visit the Association to share working strategies and experience in promoting sexual and reproductive health and sexuality education in their communities.