
Your Donations - One Step at a Time, continuously driving Personal, Family and Community Sexual & Reproductive Health!

Dear friends,

Your generous donations have the power to create transformative change in our community.

  • Your gifts will provide comprehensive sexuality education programs to reach more children and teenagers.
  • Your support will help more couples to plan their family and prepare for parenthood with essential pre-marital and pre-pregnancy information and services.
  • Your compassion will ensure that women in our community have access to affordable and quality Women’s Health Services.
  • Your donations will sponsor pertinent Sexual & Reproductive Health services for underserved groups.
  • Your help will make specialized services and support available to those facing personal struggles related to their sexual health.
  • Your donations will help us to establish a healthy lifestyle model for women in the community and encourage them to participate in community services.

Each and every act of generosity from you will drive greater awareness and emphasis on sexual and reproductive health across our society. Let us walk side by side, working together for the well-being and blissful lives of everyone in our community!

We need your generous support for our work!

The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK), established in 1950, is a non-profit making organization which is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. The Association has been striving to care for the Sexual and Reproductive Health needs of the community at their different life stages, and to advocate, promote and provide information, education, medical and counselling services in Sexual and Reproductive Health, thereby benefiting different community groups, around 300,000 visits were served per annum.

Many of our services (such as cervical screening) are non-subvented and rely on self-financing. We need your generous donation to support our works. Despite the heavy blow to our services dealt by the COVID-19 pandemic and economic situation, coupled with the shortage of medical personnel and incessant rise in medical and operating costs, the Association remains steadfast in its mission and vision to provide quality Sexual and Reproductive Health medical and counselling services at affordable fees, despite our tight financial situation.

Our Association is greatly reliant on your generous support and donations to sustain the operation of various non-subvented services and launch new programmes to respond to the evolving needs of our community. Your donation allows us to help more people in need and address the Sexual and Reproductive Health concerns of our community, making a meaningful positive impact on society.

Donations of HK$10 to HK$10,000

Please complete the below online donation form and make donations by credit card or cheque. For details, please refer to the below cheque submission method.

Donations of HK$10,001 or above

Please download and complete the donation form and make donations by cheque. For details, please refer to the below cheque submission method.

Cheque Submission Methods

  • Cheque donation to “Non-subvented Services of FPAHK”: please make a crossed cheque payable to "The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong" and write your name, contact tel. number (same as the content filled in the online donation form) and online reference number (only applicable to online form) on the back of the cheque, and mail it to “Administration Department, FPAHK, 10/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong”, please mark “FPAHK Donation” on the envelope. For donors who make donations of HK$10,001 or above, please mail the completed donation form and crossed cheque to the above-mentioned address.
  • Cheque donation to “Non-subvented Women’s Development Programmes of FPAHK”: please make a crossed cheque payable to "The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong" and write your name, contact tel. number (same as the content filled in the online donation form) and online reference number (only applicable to online form) on the back of the cheque, and mail it together with the completed donation form to “Fieldwork Team, FPAHK, 10/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong”, please mark “Women’s Development Programmes” on the envelope. For donors who make donations of HK$10,001 or above, please mail the completed donation form and crossed cheque to the above-mentioned address.

Cash Submission Methods

  • Only for the donation amount from $10 to $10,000
  • Donor require to fill the online donation form, a donation reference number# will be issued upon online donation form is successfully submitted.
  • Donation made in person at head office of FPAHK (10/F., Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, H.K., working hour: 9:00am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-5:30pm, Monday to Friday) please provide donation reference number*
  • The Association will issue E-donation receipt(s) upon cash donation received.

# A donation reference number will be sent to the email address you provided

* Only real name donor is needed to provide donation reference number


I would like to make a donation to support The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK):

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