Feature Articles

Summer ARC Jam Programs 2012

Ref Number: ESEAOR201209

  • Date1 Sep 2012
  • Category FPA Message
  • Targets Parents Children Youth
  • AuthorFPAHK
  • Topic Sexuality Education

A series of summer activities were held in the FPA Jockey Club Youth Zone’s Activity & Resource Centre (ARC).

Children’s Playgroup:

Using card games, a puppet show, story-telling and video viewing, children aged 4 to 6 years were taught about their bodies and self-protection. Parents also participated in the activities to gain experience in talking to their children about sexuality.

DIY Workshops for teens:

A T-shirt design workshop and a mosaic mirror DIY workshop for children and teens were themed on adolescent growth and development. Participants could express their thoughts and feelings about growing up, and convey their self-reflecting imagination into artwork. While creating their own pieces in a relaxed atmosphere, participants exchanged views on self-image, body image, family life and school life with our Education Officers, who responded to participants’ queries and worries about growing up.

Parents Talk:

Adolescence is characterized by significant cognitive, physical and socio-psychological development. To support parents of teenagers, the popular speaker Ms Shirley Loo, J.P., Director of Family Heartware, was invited to give a talk on parent-child communication. Through lively examples and quoting personal as well as frontline experience, Ms Loo shared with parents the “do’s and don’ts” when communicating with teenagers, how to guide their healthy growth, skills to use when facing rebellious teens and ways to show them support and love.

Children’s PlaygroupDIY Workshops for teensDIY Workshops for teensDIY Workshops for teensParents Talk