Feature Articles

A Focus on Research

Ref Number: ESEAOR200604a

  • Date1 Apr 2006
  • Category FPA Message
  • Targets Educators Social Workers Healthcare Professionals
  • AuthorFPAHK
  • Topic Sexuality Education, Family Sexuality Education, Family Planning and Contraception

The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong set up a new Research Subcommittee to plan and oversee research projects in sexual and reproductive health, family planning, family health, youth sexuality, new contraceptive methods and other related areas in line with the Association’s mission and strategies. Chaired by Professor Lam Tai-hing who is an expert in community medicine and an FPAHK Council member, the Subcommittee comprises academics in population and epidemiology, clinical psychology, education, and a youth Council member. The Subcommittee held its first meeting in March 2006 to plan the Youth Sexuality Study 2006, which has been conducted every five years since 1981 to explore the current status of youth sexuality and compare the findings with previous observations. Marked by its long history and continuity, the Study is unique in showing the changes and trends among young people in Hong Kong in respect of their sexual knowledge, attitude and behaviour. The territory-wide survey will involve thousands of adolescents and youths between the ages of 11 and 27. A broad range of topics are covered, including: dating, love and sexual experiences; channels for access to sexual information; marriage and childbearing intention; contraceptive use; pregnancy and abortion; relationship with family members; self image and mental health. The findings will be useful for educators, youth workers and social scientists to evaluate existing programmes and identify changing trends for future planning.