【9.26 The World Contraception Day】Weekend Market 2021

The World Contraception Day is observed on 26 September every year. To improve youth’s awareness of contraception and to promote positive messages related to safer sex and responsible choices, the Association’s Sexuality Education Youth Volunteer Team Red Face No More (RFNM) organized a pilot Weekend Market themed on contraception, which was successfully held on 25 & 26 September 2021 at Cyber Games Arena (CGA) eSports Stadium located in Mong Kok.

The Association partnered with EN Official and a popular digital creator Mr n Mrs Moon to organize the Weekend Market. NGOs including BGCA.PROJECT.TOUCH, Happeriod, M3.TOUTOU (Mercury III - The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, HK), Anti-480 (ACSVAW) and Teen’s Key were invited to set up game booths. Other than that, there were many different booths held by youth groups and local artists to sell handicrafts, DIY or organic products related to the theme of love and intimacy.


Besides, the Association’s Education Officers, RFNM members and youth interns ran an exhibition and three booths with displays on contraceptive methods and games for promoting messages of safer sex and responsible choices. Participants would receive interesting souvenirs designed by Mr n Mrs Moon after completing those games!

The program attracted 2024 young people and public to join. Most of the participants agreed that the booths increased their knowledge about contraception, some participants reflected that the Weekend Market had provided a space for discussing sexuality issues in the community, which helped enhance Hong Kong people’s awareness of sexuality education.