Animations and Games

Tak Tak & Kar Kar Family Sexuality Education Cartoon

Code: TKCartoon

  • Topic Family Sexuality Edcuation, Sexual Assault, Sexuality Edcuation, Know Our Body
  • AuthorEducation Division, FPAHK
  • LanguageChinese with English Subtitle
  • Targets Children Parents Educators Public
  • Category Animation
  • PublisherThe Family Planning Association of Hong Kong

Tak Tak & Kar Kar Family Sexuality Education Cartoon

"Tak Tak & Kar Kar Family Sexuality Education Cartoon" is a series of age appropriate cartoon made for young children: 

“The Body Museum”: What body parts do we have? How is a boys body different from a girls? Our body is beauty and important, it needs to be respected and protected.

 “Tak Tak Kar Kar: the little Warrirs”: What are our bodys private parts? How do we distinguish between good and bad contact? What can we do when facing unwelcomed contacts? Who are adults we trust and can go to for help? Lets learn to trust our feelings and learn how to protect ourselves. 

Parents and educators can use the cartoon alongside with the book "Tak Tak Kar Kar Sexuality Education Series for young children (3 to 6)" (In Chinese and English) .

 The cartoons are in Cantonese with English subtitle.


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