Feature Articles

Launch of FPA Jockey Club Teen Bean Mobile Classroom

Ref Number: ESEAOR201202a

  • Date1 Feb 2012
  • Category FPA Message
  • Targets Students Youth Children Educators Social Workers Parents
  • AuthorFPAHK
  • Topic Sexuality Education

The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong’s (FPAHK) new “FPA Jockey Club Teen Bean Mobile Classroom” made its debut on 3 December 2011, replacing the FPAHK Sex Education Mobile Library which has served the public for 12 years. The Launching Ceremony cum Fun Day took place on the sunny afternoon at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza, attending by guests and the public, young and old. The ceremony was officiated by Mr Stephen Yip, Chief Curriculum Development Officer of the Education Bureau, Ms Olivia Kan, Executive Manager of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Ms Lina Yan, Chairman of FPAHK’s Information, Education and Communication Subcommittee, and Dr Susan Fan, Executive Director of FPAHK.

Sexuality education game booths and exhibition panels were on display. Performances by young people included a youth band, a jazz & ballet academie, and a school choir, all of which won enthusiastic applause from the audience. People lined up to visit the Teen Bean and experience the interactive multi-media education games and facilities on board.

The name of the Mobile Classroom “Teen Bean” is an abbreviation of:

  • B for Books: The Mobile Classroom serves the functions of a mobile library, providing books and FPA publications for the public to view and borrow.
  • E for E-Resources: It is equipped with multi-media resources for learning and teaching.
  • A for Activities: It is an interactive classroom for children and youth to acquire sexuality education information in a lighthearted way.
  • N for Neighborhood: It actively involves schools and local communities by providing activities and consultation services for youth, parents, teachers, social workers and the general public so as to promote sexuality education.

In the words of Ms Lina Yan: “The FPA Jockey Club Teen Bean Mobile Classroom supports the Association’s Community Level Sexuality Education Programme and provides reliable sexuality education information and resources for children and youth. It also strengthens the ties between the Association and parents, teachers, social workers etc., and encourages the public to actively participate in sexuality education. I envisage that the Mobile Classroom will assist the Association in establishing a broader social network, strengthening cooperation among schools, families and local communities, as well as promoting comprehensive sexuality education so as to enhance the sexual and reproductive health and development of children and youth. Lastly, I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for its generous donation that enables us to serve the community more extensively and flexibly.”