Chess game on Love and Dating (2016)

A total of 17 secondary school students joined the program which took place in the Activity & Resource Centre of HKFPA. Each participant will either start their journey from Single, Flirting or Dating zone in which they encountered different experiences in corresponding relationship status and accumulated different qualities of their ideal partner such as loyalty and kindness etc. The participants were asked to give up the quality when they failed to perform the tasks. In some occasions, participants would break up and they had to go back to the Single zone and start a new relationship with someone else.

At the end of the activity, participants were asked to share their journey and feelings with our young volunteers. Some reflected that they prefer to stay in the comfort zone of flirting because they did not want to take risk of losing friendship with the partner if they started dating. Some admitted that an attractive appearance was the utmost important criteria in dating while many other participants valued more on the communication with partner. They commented that the journey enhanced their understanding of their own value towards love and dating.