Press Releases

28 Jul 2014

Are you an "n-Person"? Get screened and vaccinated now to prevent Hepatitis B!

World Hepatitis Day is an annual event on the 28th July (28.7) to raise public awareness of viral hepatitis and advocate for disease prevention. Despite a general falling trend over the years, the overall prevalence of Acute Hepatitis B in Hong Kong is still regarded as moderately high among adult population. Persons 26 years old or older have not benefitted from the universal neonatal vaccination program introduced in November 1988, and are therefore at risk of Hepatitis B infection. To encourage screening and vaccination against Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) and ASIAHEP Hong Kong Limited are launching the Hepatitis B Prevention for n-Persons Campaign (n」無人士防乙肝計劃), offering a discounted service package to persons who have no neonatal vaccination, no HBV antibody and no HBV antigen.

Giving an updated local picture on Hepatitis B, Dr. Nancy Leung, Chairperson, ASIAHEP Hong Kong Limited said approximately 8%* of Hong Kong’s population has chronic Hepatitis B infection (*Source: Department of Health). The virus is transmitted through blood and body fluids. Most chronically infected with HBV are asymptomatic and can transmit the virus to their spouses or partners and the next generation. Sexual contact and mother to newborn transmission are major routes of transmission in Hong Kong. Transmission may also occur through sharing of syringes, razors, toothbrushes and nail clippers, etc. About one in four cases of chronic infection develop into serious liver diseases including cirrhosis and cancer, leading to early death. Dr. Leung noted that in 2011, liver cancer was the third cancer killer among Hong Kong men.

The prevalence of HBV antigen (HBsAg) among the FPAHK’s Pre-marital / Pre-pregnancy Package Service users fell from 9.6% in 1990 to 5.1% in 2001, but subsequently rose again to stay at around 7% in the past decade. Since Hong Kong introduced universal neonatal Hepatitis B vaccination in 1988, all newborns have been vaccinated free of charge. This has led to a low infection rate among the 26-year-old or younger. However, people born locally before November 1988 (i.e. the 26-year-old or older) were not covered by the program and are therefore susceptible to Hepatitis B infection.

Dr. Susan Fan, FPAHK’s Executive Director, stressed the importance of screening and vaccination as the most effective means of preventing Hepatitis B. She urged people who are 26 years old or above to undergo screening for HBV antibody and antigen. Those who have neither antibody nor antigen should be vaccinated.

FPAHK and ASIAHEP Hong Kong Limited are jointly launching the Hepatitis B Prevention for n-Persons campaign on 28th July (28.7), World Hepatitis Day. The campaign offers a Screening and Vaccination Service Package (normally charged at $670) at a discounted fee of $287 for 287 eligible persons (who were born before November 1988 and have not been vaccinated against Hepatitis B). Participants who are screened to be non-immune and non-infected with the virus (n-Persons) will receive 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine which are included in the package. Those who test negative for antigen (HBsAg) and positive for antibody (anti-HBs) are already immune and need no vaccination. Those who test positive for antigen are chronically infected and will be referred for follow-up management, including assessment of disease activities and regular monitoring or treatment.

For enquiry and enrolment for the Hepatitis B Prevention for n-Persons Campaign, please call the hotline 5618-0408 during 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 5 p.m., Monday to Friday from tomorrow (29 July) onwards. The quota is limited to 287 eligible persons on a first-come first-served basis. Information on FPAHK services can be found at