28 Nov 2024 - FPA Yuen Long Building will carry out ground investigation works from December 2, 2024 (Monday) which may cause noise, services will remain normal during the works.
14 Nov 2024 - The Association is NOT the service provider of FREE HPV Vaccination Catch-up Programme launched by The Department of Health for eligible female Hong Kong residents born between 2004 and 2008.
22 Mar 2023 - Suspension of "Men’s Health Service"
4 Mar 2023 - Infection Control Measures in our Service Units and Important Notes for Service Users
Women's Club is dedicated to promote public awareness of Women's Health by organizing "Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Program". The topics include "How much do you know about Women's Health Care?", "Menopause and Osteoporosis" and "Knowledge on Contraception".
If you are interested, please read the “Notes on Application” in the application form, and download the form or submit the online form, and mail the crossed cheque to us. For submission method, please read the details in the form.
For enquiries, please contact us at 2919-7746.
"How much do you know about Women's Health Care?"
Women usually get annoyed with minor ailments in their daily lives. Those ailments constantly ignored by women will lead to delay in treatment. Some of them even purchase over-the-counter medication which causes the condition to wax and wane. Let's discuss and explore the common gynaecological diseases!
Content: learn about leucorrhea, vaginal infection, itchiness around the genital area, urinary tract infection, urinary incontinence and pelvic floor exercises etc....
"Menopause and Osteoporosis"
Menopause is an essential stage in a woman's life. Learning more about the changes brought by the menopause will enable women to cope positively with their menopause.
Content: physiological and psychological changes during menopause, osteoporosis and bone health exercise demonstration etc....
"Knowledge on Contraception"
There are different types of contraceptive methods available in the market and each method has its pros and cons, how can we make a right choice?
Contraceptive methods include: male / female condoms, oral pills, injectable contraceptives, Intra-uterine devices, diaphragm, spermicides, male / female sterilization etc...