Feature Articles

The 20th Anniversary of FPAHK Menopause Service

Ref Number: ESEAOR201905

  • Date1 May 2019
  • Category FPA Message
  • Targets Public
  • AuthorFPAHK
  • Topic Menopause

The 20th Anniversary of the FPAHK Menopause Service was celebrated with a series of promotion and education activities to encourage women to adopt healthy lifestyle during the menopause transition.

A double-page newspaper advertorial was published on 28 March 2019, interviewing the Association’s Senior Doctor and previous Vice-President who supported the setting up of the Service. Comic illustrations of the Association’s icon “Tak and Kar” with menopause health tips were dispersed via Instagram, Facebook and e-newsletters to web subscribers. a thematic webpage features 14 video clips on bone health exercise demonstration and hi-calcium cookery was produced together with the corresponding promotional pamphlets with QR code facilitating public access; and souvenirs carrying health messages and 200 bottles of calcium tablets were distributed to Menopause Service clients.

The series of “Tak and Kar” comic illustrations have reached over 215,000 impressions through various media platforms with an excellent dissemination of menopause health message.