Feature Articles

Famplus2 Activity: A Chess Game on Love

Ref Number: ESEAOR201608

  • Date1 Aug 2016
  • Category FPA Message
  • Targets Students Youth
  • AuthorFPAHK
  • Topic Love & Dating

On 9 July 2016, the Association’s youth volunteer team Famplus2 organized an experiential activity on love and dating named “A Chess Game on Love”.

17 secondary school students gathered in the Activity & Resource Centre of the Association. Each participant started their journey from the “Single”, “Flirting” or “Dating” zone in which they encountered different experiences in the corresponding relationship status. For every move, participants accumulated different qualities of an ideal partner such as loyalty and kindness etc. The participants would be asked to give up a certain quality when they failed to perform the tasks. Occasionally, a couple would break up and the participants would have to return to the “Single zone” and start a new relationship with someone else.

At the end of the activity, participants shared their reflections with our youth volunteers. Some preferred to stay in the comfort “Flirting zone” as they did not want to lose the friendship with their partners if they started to move to the “Dating zone”. Some admitted that an attractive appearance was the most important criteria in dating, while many participants cherished the communication process with their partners. They felt that the Game helped them to clarify their own attitudes and values on love and relationships.