Feature Articles

Famplus2 Activity: Interactive Exhibition on Sexuality and Body

Ref Number: ESEAOR201411

  • Date1 Nov 2014
  • Category FPA Message
  • Targets Students Youth
  • AuthorFPAHK
  • Topic Sexuality Education

FPAHK’s youth volunteer team Famplus2 organized a sexuality education activity of Interactive Exhibition on Sexuality and Body on 1 November 2014 at a local community centre.

The exhibition comprised three main sectors: Body, Gender and Culture. In the room of “Body”, personal paraphenalia such as bras, underwear, hygiene pads, moon cup, condoms, contraception pills, masturbator cup and vibrator were displayed together with educational information. Visitors could freely examine the exhibits, make comments and ask questions. The game of simulated dialogue with the sexual organs was very popular, as visitors learned the characteristics and function of various sexual organs and were encouraged to talk about the organs naturally.

Balloons with photos on gender stereotyping were presented in the room of “Gender”. Visitors were invited to share their thoughts towards the photos by writing at the back of the photos. Some reflected their own myths on gender stereotyping in their daily life.

In the room of “Culture”, the youth took initiative in expressing their attitudes on sexuality. With the props provided, they dressed up either in a masculine or feminine style and took pictures. They also participated in the Emoticon quiz by guessing popular sexual slangs. A Gender Democracy Wall provided space for them to freely express their opinion on gender issues.

Overall speaking, it was an exciting new experience for the youth volunteer team to produce an exhibition on sexuality for Hong Kong youth. It provided a stimulating, and interesting environment for both volunteers and youth to share and learn about their sexuality.