Feature Articles

Sexuality Education Programmes extended to Macau

Ref Number: ESEAOR201110b

  • Date1 Oct 2011
  • Category FPA Message
  • Targets Educators Social Workers Parents Students
  • AuthorFPAHK
  • Topic Sexuality Education, School Sexuality Education

Recent years have seen growing concern about the sexual health development of young people in Macau, such as early engagement in pre-marital sexual activities, adolescent unplanned pregnancy, etc. In the past few months, FPAHK has partnered with Macau’s primary and secondary schools to deliver school talks on a range of topics addressing the needs and concerns of different student grades. Participants include students with intellectual disabilities.

Basic train-the-trainer programs for teachers and social workers, and tailored-made training for those working the mentally challenged have been organized. These programs adopt an experiential learning approach to equip participants with the necessary knowledge, attitude and skills to deliver sexuality education. There are also request for parent talks from various parent-teacher associations, community centres and the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Macau.

The Association is dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of quality sexuality education programmes so as to promote individuals’ sexual health and their physical, psychological and social well-being throughout the different stages of life. Our programmes in Macau received gratifying response from the participants, and set a milestone for the exchange of experience between Macau and Hong Kong sex educators as well as for closer networking between the two places.