Feature Articles

FPAHK calls for stepped-up Hepatitis B prevention & management for sexual & reproductive health

Ref Number: ESEAOR201108

  • Date1 Aug 2011
  • Category FPA Message
  • Targets Public
  • AuthorFPAHK
  • Topic Health Knowledge

The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong’s (FPAHK) Pre-marital / Pre-pregnancy Check-up services screen over 10,000 clients for Hepatitis B status each year. The proportion of clients found to be hepatitis B carriers ranged from 9.6% in 1990 to 6.5% in 2010. Hepatitis B was a sexual and reproductive health concern as the virus was transmitted through blood and body secretions. Sexual contact and mother to newborn transmission during birth were among the main modes of transmission. Following publicity on World Hepatitis Day on 28 July, FPAHK reminded the public, especially those preparing for marriage and pregnancy, to be more aware of the prevention and management of Hepatitis B.

Dr. Fan said that everyone should know their “Hepatitis B status” and take appropriate action for its prevention and management. Blood screening for Hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg) and antibody determine whether one is a carrier or has immunity against the virus. Those with no immunity should get vaccinated. Those who test positive as carriers and should undergo assessment to determine the level of viral replication and liver inflammation. Those with active disease need further monitoring or drug treatment to prevent the complications of cirrhosis and liver cancer which kill one in four Hepatitis B carriers. They are also advised to take precautions to prevent infecting their loved ones. Their household members and sexual partners should get tested and vaccinated as early as possible. Babies born to carrier mothers should receive the vaccine along with Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG) shortly after birth. Carriers should practice safe sex with the proper use of condom, avoid sharing needles and other personal care items such as shaver, razor, toothbrush and nail clipper.

From 2008 to 2010, among 34,362 clients screened for Hepatitis B at FPAHK, 2,257 were found to be carriers. 693 of them underwent assessment and approximately 25% were found to have active viral replication necessitating further assessment to see if treatment was indicated.

FPAHK offers a comprehensive range of health services related to Hepatitis B. Blood tests for Hepatitis B screening and vaccination are available from FPAHK’s Pre-marital / Pre-pregnancy Check-up, Birth Control, Women’s Health, Men’s Health and Youth Health Care services. Follow–up for carriers is provided at the Hepatitis B Assessment Clinic. Clients with active viral status can be further monitored by blood test and ultrasound scanning, with drug treatment and referral to specialist clinics of Hospital Authority for management when necessary.