Pre-marital Check-up

Service Content

The Pre-marital Check-up Service of The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong aims to help about-to-wed couples gain a better understanding of their health. If diseases are detected in their early or asymptomatic stage, especially diseases that are infectious or have serious effect on the next generation, treatment can be started at an early stage and therefore providing an important safeguard for the health of the couples and their future offspring. The Pre-marital Check-up provides a wide range of medical laboratory tests among which the followings are of greater concern to the general public: Hepatitis B, Thalassemia, Rubella, Rhesus Factor, and Sexually Transmissible Diseases.

Pre-marital Check-up Items Basic   Plus
Male Female Male Female
Blood tests Complete blood picture, including red and white cell counts, haemoglobin level, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and platelet count
Blood group and Rh(D)factor
Treponemal antibody test for syphilis
Hepatitis B antigen and antibody tests
Rubella antibody test    
Semen Analysis Sperm count, morphology and motility; semen volume and acidity    
Urine Analysis Urine glucose and protein
HPV 9-in-1 Vaccination (3 doses)      
Contraceptive Advice   ●  ●  ● 
Health Assessment Measuring body mass index, blood pressure and pulse rate ●  ● 
Package (1):Physical Examination and Consultation by Doctor
  • Explanation of lab reports
  • Examination of thyroid, heart, lungs and abdomen
  • Examination of reproductive organs: (a) female: breasts, pelvis and external genitalia; (b) male: penis and testicles;
$1,000 $1,000 $6,000 $6,000 
Package (2): Explanation of Lab Reports by Nurse $750 $750 - -

Item details

Important Notes for First Visit:

  • Blood Tests: free diet before blood drawing.
  • Our clinic staff will provide detail information on semen sample submission procedures to the male clients on registration date. Male clients are required to submit semen sample on another date and would need to deliver their semen samples to our appointed laboratories for semen analysis at designated time.
  • Follow-up appointment will be offered to you upon registration.
  • Service fees will be collected upon registration. The Association accepts Cash or EPS only.


Shingrix Zoster Vaccine
This vaccine is now available at a special price of $4,850 (including 2 doses of vaccine, doctor assessment and nurse injection). Service quota is limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis.

Client's Triage System

1. Women aged 26 or above, or married and are practicing contraception (which includes condoms and periodic abstinence)

2. Men aged 26 or above

Appointment is not required, please visit FPA Birth Control Clinics to receive nurse assessment at its service hours.

3. Women aged 26 or above, or married and are not practicing contraception (including menopausal or sterilized women) Appointment is required, please click here to submit booking request or call our FPA Clinic Services Hotline at 2572-2222.

4. Unmarried women / men aged under 26

Appointment is required, please click here to submit booking request or call our Youth Health Care Centres.

According to the recommendations of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, regardless of whether you have had chickenpox before, people aged 50 or above / people aged 18 or above who have weakened immune systems or are at higher risk for shingles can consider to receive Shingrix Zoster Vaccine. Vaccination can protect against shingles and postherpetic neuralgia induced by shingles, and reduce related complications. As for whether or not to get vaccinated, please seek doctor’s advice first.

Other Pre-marital & Fertility Preparation

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